Action on Waste and Resource Recovery

​​​​The landfill levy commenced on 1 July 2022. Since then the Waste and Resource Recovery Board has overseen the following key initiatives:

Tasmanian Charity Reuse and Repair Data Study
This 2024 study, in partnership with Charitable Reuse Australia​​, of Tasmanian op shops, tip shops and reuse shops will gather data on reuse activity, economic value, associated employment, social impacts, and the repair of second-hand items prior to sale. Driving products and material use up the waste hierarchy to a higher value use is an important outcome highlighted in the Tasmanian Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy 2023-2026. This will help the Board to determine the most effective forms of support and encouragement to this critical part of the Tasmanian community and economy.
​Tasmanian Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy 2023-2026
The Tasmanian Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy 2023-2026 outlines the vision, purpose and priorities of the Tasmanian Waste and Resource Recovery Board through its establishment phase.
​Funding ​to TasWaste South
In May 2024 the Southern Tasmanian Waste Authority changed its name to Tas Waste South. The Tas Waste South represents twelve southern Tasmanian Councils.  Some of the key outcomes for TasWaste South in 2023-24 were:
  • the release of its Strategic Plan 2024-2027 and the development of a framework to achieve effective waste and resource recovery communications
  • education and engagement across Tasmania though the ReThink Waste initiative
  • a continued role in managing the regional contract for the Lutana Mixed Recycling Facility on behalf of member councils
​Funding to Cradle Coast Waste Management Group 

​The Cradle Coast Waste Management Group (CCWMG) represents nine Northwest Tasmanian Councils. The CCWMG Strategic Plan 2023-2028 was released in July 2022.
Key initiatives for the CCWMG are: 
  • supporting the launch of a regional FOGO service across NW Tasmania 
  • supporting the construction of the Dulverton in-vessel composting facility
  • involvement in educational activities across the region, including in primary schools and were involved in engagement activities at Agfest
  • engagement with regional councils with waste and resource recovery planning and project delivery and support for the new members in the remote areas (West Coast Council and King Island Council). 
  • roll out of specific projects such as support hazardous household waste collection
​Funding to the Northern Tasmanian Waste Management Program (Circular North)
​In April 2024, the Northern Tasmanian Waste Management Program rebranded as Circular North and its members include seven councils.
  • In 2023-24 Circular North provided funding to regional businesses and organisations through a round of circular economy grants. This included: 
  • funding initiatives such as a school organic waste project
  • a Neighbourhood House re-use project (Great Giveaway)
  • supporting a repair café
  • a circular economy program at a music festival
  • shop and farm waste recycling at an organic grocery shop. 
In May 2024 Circular North released its 2024-2029 Strategic Plan for public consultation. It also provided support to councils to complement FOGO collection services and worked with the other Regional Waste Organisations on the ReThink Waste initiative.

​Industry and Community grant programs

​​In February 2024, the Board approved the High Priority Investment Package, with an overall fund of $4.5 million. The program includes four funding streams:

  1. Waste and Resource Recovery High Priority Infrastructure
  2. Waste and Resource Recovery Schools Grant.
  3. Remote Council Support 
  4. Peak Body Partner Program

These programs are in different stages of planning and delivery. Successful projects for the infrastrucutre grants are listed on this website.

​​Industry Support Programs​​​
Industry Support Programs required by the Act and the Ministerial Direction of July 2022​

  • ​​Charitable Recycler Rebate Program
  • Public Authority Rebate Program
  • ​Rem​​ote Council Support Program 
​Remote Council Support Program

​The Tasmanian Waste and Resource Recovery Board has a directive from the Minister to use landfill levy funds to promote and support access to waste services in remote areas.

This acknowledges the challenges of managing waste and resource recovery in remote communities, such as high transport costs and the capacity to sort and store materials.

The King Island, Flinders, and West Coast Councils are eligible for a 100 percent rebate on the levy they collect.

Councils may spend the rebate on a broad range of waste and resource recovery activities or infrastructure. The remote councils are also being provided with additional grant funding under the High Priority Investment Package which was announced in February 2024. The Board is working with the remote councils to identify priority projects to fund under the Investment Package. This will help to support the roll out of existing resource recovery projects funded by the Tasmanian and Australian Governments under the Recycling Modernisation Fund. 

About the Regional Waste Organisations​​

The three Regional Waste Organisations were established by their member councils to coordinate waste management strategies and programs to meet the needs of their region. 

In 2023-24 the Board allocated $3 million funding to the Regional Waste Organisations. This has been through delivery of special grant funding to ensure they can: 

  • tackle local and regional issues
  • working to align regional strategies with the statewide Strategy
  • developing an overarching communications plan and program to provide a source of consistent information and education to local government, the community and industry (ReThink Waste).

The Regional Waste Organisations undertake important work that is at the public interface of waste management and resource recovery in Tasmania. The three regional waste organisations undertake comprehensive reporting of their activities and waste tonnages through their annual reports. These are reviewed as part of the payments process from the Board, ensuring that the organisations are delivering as per their agreed operational plans and in the overall context of achieving the objectives of the Act and Strategy.


Waste and Resource Recovery Board
GPO Box 44
Hobart TAS 7001

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