High Priority Infrastructure Grant recipients announced

The successful recipients of the Tasmanian Waste and Resource Recovery Board's High Priority Infrastructure Grants have been announced.

$3.5 million in total has been allocated to support a range of infrastructure projects that will help the state transition towards a circular economy and address the priority materials outlined in the Tasmanian Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy 2023-2026.

The High Priority Infrastructure Grant was available for community, government and commercial infrastructure projects across a range of scales that will improve the capability and capacity of resource recovery facilities, equipment and systems. 

Applications for grants of between $10,000 and $500,000 were available for eligible applicants with projects that target the Tasmanian Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy’s priority materials and demonstrate a tangible benefit to the Tasmanian community and the resource recovery sector.

The successful applicants under the grants program, are:​

Devonport City CouncilWaste Transfer Station Resource Recovery Project
LMS Energy Pty LtdRegional Anaerobic Digestion Organics Processing Facility
Tasman CouncilNubeena Waste Transfer Station Modernisation

B G & J M Barwick Pty Ltd

T/A Barwicks Wholesale & Retail Landscape Supplies

Bridgewater FOGO receiving facility: Procurement and commissioning of decontamination equipment
Dulverton Regional Waste Management AuthorityNorth West Tasmania Commercial Organics Collection Service - Hospitality Food Waste Collection Truck
Glenorchy City CouncilJackson Street Recycling Hub
JLW Services Pty LtdCollecting and processing tyres to create a substitute high-calorific fuel for industry.
Meander Valley CouncilLBin Waste Transfer Station Project Deloraine Waste Depot
Kingborough Council (in partnership with Southern Tasmanian Regional Waste Authority (STRWA)​)
Hazardous Household Waste Collection, sorting, and storage facility
Flinders CouncilWaste Oil Infrastructure Enhancement Project
Recovery (Tas) Pty LtdRestoring reuse value to recovered construction and demolition materials
The Udder Way M.D. Pty LtdKeg Washing Plant
Hazell Bros Group Pty LtdHBMI Landfill Glass Crushing & Screening Project
University of TasmaniaPlastics Recycling Project
Flinders CouncilBulk Bag Baler Project

The ReDress Hub

The Redress Hub ReMake Space
The New Black BiocharPyrolysis of selected waste streams
JHRC Group Pty LtdPlastic Pyrolysis Pilot Plant
Dorset CouncilDorset Resource Recovery Project
DMN Enviro Pty LtdUsed vape collection and recycling

The grants are supporting a broad cross section of the Tasmanian economy from volunteer community organisations, to councils and also private sector organisations.

Map of Funding Sites​​

A map of Tasmania with circled areas showing the sites of activities funded by the High Priority Infrastructure Grants. There are seven sites in the south of the state, three in the north west, and four in the northern area of the state.

A map of Tasmania with circled areas showing the sites of projects funded by the High Priority Infrastructure Grants. There are sites across the south, in the north west, and also in the northern area of the state.

Funding for the grant is sourced entirely from the landfill levy, returning funds back to the community. These funds are being reinvested into important resource and recovery projects across the state to improve the reuse, repair, collection, sorting, processing, recycling and remanufacturing of materials that might otherwise be wasted in landfills.

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