WRR Board Sponsorship Program

​​​​​​​​​Th​e Board welcomes applications for the Sponsorship Program. 

The Sponsorship Program is focussed on supporting projects, organisations and events that align with the WRR Strategy​.

Sponsorships are available for projects and events that demonstrate and road-test innovation, produce improved resource streams and circular supply chains, and deliver better services, products and outcomes for Tasmania. 

Applications for sponsorships of up to $10,000 are welcome. 

Making an application​

Before making an ​application, you should refer to the Sponsorship ​Guidelines and Sponsorship Policy:

 WRR Board Sponsorship Guidelines (PDF 212Kb)

 WRR Board - Sponsorship Policy (PDF 198Kb)​

​The Sponsorship Program application form is available on the SmartyGrants website​: WRRB Sponsorship Application Form

You can preview the Sponsorship Application form below. This is available for reference​ only.​

 Preview of sponsonship application form (PDF 585Kb)


Waste and Resource Recovery Board
GPO Box 44
Hobart TAS 7001
Email: enquiries@wrr.tas.gov.au

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